
Underwater Waterfall: A Mysterious Natural Wonder

Have you ever imagined a waterfall cascading down into the deep blue sea? If so, you’re not alone. The underwater waterfall of Mauritius is a mesmerizing natural phenomenon that has captivated visitors for centuries. But what it is exactly, and how it is formed?

In this blog post, we’ll explore the mysteries, facts, and details of the waterfall of Mauritius. We’ll also take a look at other similar waterfalls around the world, and discuss the science behind this fascinating phenomenon.

What is an underwater waterfall?

An underwater waterfall is an optical illusion that creates the appearance of a waterfall cascading down into the ocean. It is formed when sand and silt deposits are swept down a steep underwater slope by ocean currents and tides. The illusion is most pronounced when viewed from above, as the light blue water of the shallow reef meets the dark blue water of the deep ocean.

The underwater waterfall of Mauritius

The underwater waterfall of Mauritius is located off the southwestern coast of the island. It is one of the most popular tourist attractions in Mauritius, and can be seen from the air on helicopter tours or seaplane flights.

The waterfall is formed by a combination of factors, including:

The steep underwater slope off the coast of Mauritius.

The strong ocean currents that flow around the island.

The sand and silt deposits that are carried by the currents.

The waterfall is most visible during the summer months, when the ocean currents are strongest.

Mysteries of the waterfall of Mauritius

Despite the fact that the waterfall of Mauritius is a well-studied phenomenon, there are still some mysteries surrounding it. For example, scientists are not sure exactly how the sand and silt deposits are transported down the underwater slope. Some believe that the currents are responsible, while others believe that the sand and silt are carried down by gravity.

Another mystery is why the waterfall is only visible from the air. When viewed from underwater, the waterfall disappears. Scientists believe that this is because the light from the sun is refracted as it passes through the water. This refraction makes it difficult to see the waterfall from below.

Facts and details about the underwater waterfall of Mauritius

The waterfall of Mauritius is approximately 3,000 feet wide and 1,000 feet tall.

It is formed by a combination of factors, including the steep underwater slope off the coast of Mauritius, the strong ocean currents that flow around the island, and the sand and silt deposits that are carried by the currents.

The waterfall is most visible during the summer months, when the ocean currents are strongest.

It is only visible from the air. When viewed from underwater, the waterfall disappears.

Other underwater waterfalls in the world

There are a number of other similar waterfalls around the world. Some of the most notable include:

The Faroese Underwater Waterfall in the Faroe Islands.

The Denmark Strait Cataract in Denmark Strait between Greenland and Iceland.

The Underwater Waterfall in the Bahamas.

The Underwater Waterfall in Bora Bora.

Science behind underwater waterfalls

The science behind this kind of waterfalls is complex, but it can be explained by a few basic principles.

First, it is important to understand that water is not a solid substance. It is a fluid, which means that it can flow and move freely.

Second, it is important to understand that gravity is a force that pulls objects towards the center of the Earth.

When sand and silt deposits are swept down a steep underwater slope by ocean currents and tides, they are pulled by gravity. This creates the illusion of a waterfall cascading down into the ocean.


Q: Is the underwater waterfall of Mauritius real?

A: Yes, the waterfall of Mauritius is real. It is an optical illusion, but it is caused by real physical phenomena.

Q: Can I swim in the underwater waterfall of Mauritius?

A: No, you cannot swim in the waterfall of Mauritius. The currents of water are too strong, and the water is too deep to swim.

Q: How can I see the underwater waterfall of Mauritius?

A: The best way to see the waterfall of Mauritius is from the air. You can book a helicopter tour or a seaplane flight.

Q: Are there other underwater waterfalls in the world?

A: Yes, there are a number of other similar waterfalls around the world. Some of the most notable include the Faroese Underwater Waterfall in the Faroe Islands, the Denmark Strait Cataract in the Denmark Strait between Greenland and Iceland, and the Waterfall in the Bahamas.


The underwater waterfall of Mauritius is a truly mesmerizing natural wonder. It demonstrates the incredible strength and beauty of the natural world. The waterfall is also a reminder that there is still so much we don’t know about our planet’s oceans.

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